IFHEMA Judge Training Event
16 maart 2024 / 17 maart 2024
All Day
IFHEMA Judge Training Location
Dear IFHEMA Members and otherwise interested parties,
In preparation of the upcoming IFHEMA Cup 2024, we invite you to send one or more participants to a JUDGE TRAINING EVENT in Paris, co-organised with Chapitre des Armes and FFAMHE, during the weekend of 16-17 March.
Prominent instructors and referees with a lot of experience in this field will be present (Thomas Boegle, Max van den Ekart, Michel Rensen, Patxi Pena).
It is important to send some representatives who can bring this aspect of the IFHEMA Cup 2024 back to the preparation of your national teams.
The address of the event is: 9-18 Rue Maurice Nogues, 75014 Paris.
Check your National Federations for further instructions and fill the subscription via this Google Form:
Looking forward to seeing you then & there!